Nicolas Cousin is an artist and painter residing and working in Paris.

Born in Nancy, his early teenage years were lulled by Art Nouveau and the culture of web horror. His work centers around the search for a communion between classical artistic education and the excessive abstract expressions of underground and cryptic cultures.

The pursuit of balance in the concept of duality is a fundamental aspect of his vision :
existence is complete by addressing the contrasting facets in life. Through his work, confronting an external adversary gives space for growth and flourishment. The polarity omnipresence is visible in the delicate chaos of his pieces, notably in the rivalry between red and black and the conflict between traditionnal Chinese ink and acrylics.

Paradoxally, he manages to instill a certain tenderness in the effervescence of his canvases.

For more information, please contact the following :


 Video credits / Winter Solstice - Hollis Frampton

 © Nicolas Cousin 2024
